High-precision instruments for pH, ORP, ion, conductivity, TDS, salinity, dissolved oxygen (DO) and temperature measurement in the lab or in the field.
Ion chromatography instruments for routine use and research applications: flexible, reliable, and easy to use.
Manual and fully automated titrators, titration accessories, and titration software for potentiometric and thermometric titrations.
KF titrators and accessories for volumetric and coulometric water content determination in liquid, solid, or gaseous samples.
Electrochemical workstations, modular extensions, software, and accessories for research.
Instruments for trace analysis of metals and other electrochemically active substances with voltammetry, polarography, and CVS.
Instruments for measuring the oxidation stability of biodiesel and its blends, natural oils/fats and fat-containing foodstuffs or the PVC thermostability.
Sensors, electrodes, IC columns, glassware, tubing, and all other accessories for Metrohm instruments.
Liquid handlers for advanced liquid handling tasks in laboratories: dosing, pipetting, diluting, and dispensing.
Near-infrared (NIR) spectrometers for non-destructive analysis of a wide variety of samples in the lab and the process, from liquids, solids, and pastes to slurries, tablets, and capsules.
Handheld and laboratory Raman instruments as well as Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) analyzers for material identification and verification.
Metrohm is one of the world's most trusted manufacturers of high precision instruments for chemical analysis. Founded in 1943 in Herisau Switzerland, Metrohm has grown into an international company known for Swiss Quality.
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